Friday, August 13, 2010

Pornography Set to Debut in 3D: Says Online Porn Site Reviews

Online porn site reviews says that porn industry is no stranger to technology in fact it has always been keeping up with the changing trends in technology. The latest trend being 3D, more and more films around the world are using 3D technology. Thanks to James Cameron’s Avatar, Shrek etc which ultimately started this trend. Since then it’s like every 3rd movie is made using 3D technology. More and more people are taking a liking for 3D movies. They have become a major hit in the Hollywood.

3D is still in the early stages of pondering for many adult entertainment companies but one company has already unveiled a 3D subscription-based offering that promises new footage on a weekly basis. Many other companies like Playboy, Hustler and Vivid Entertainment are considering featuring their movies and footage in 3D. This is like the next big thing for the porn industry. A Hong Kong filmmaker is set to make a porn movie in 3D which is budgeted around $4 million. This is why the porn industry has not been losing its charm. Even though times have changed and technology has changed the demand for porn has never died. It has stayed afresh by adapting to the latest technology and trends. This has been a major step and a huge leap in the adult entertainment industry.

Recent developments in consumer electronics will allow the next generation televisions to have 3D technology built into them so that viewers do not have to ruin their personal style by wearing unattractive double colored glasses. The DVDs will work with these high-end 3D home theatre systems, but it will also work with a standard TV, projection, LCD or Plasma screens with the included 3D glasses. The porn industry is actually banking on the revolution even more than mainstream Hollywood. So it has made it its own home as it has done with all the other popular trends. So with 3D TV’s porn has a big future in it. Many viewers are also curious about the experience of porn in 3D which will lead to many more people viewing it.

With 3D now under its belt porn will be in a new dimension altogether and will also lure a large audience to it. According to many critics it will be reaping lot of benefits with 3D. As Hollywood is boosting the theatrical experience, however, it is at home that most people will experience the 3D revolution with the porn industry at its helm.

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