Friday, August 13, 2010

Ethnic Pornography Through Best Rated Porn Sites

Porn through best rated porn sites has an increasing demand throughout the years. Its audience has always wanted to see porn of different kinds and the industry has delivered what has been demanded so far. Ethnic pornography has been a hit since it started. Ethnic pornography depicts characters based on ethnic and racial stereotypes. Members of each race are typically portrayed as having a high sex drive. The porn industry has covered almost all the big ethnicities in the world.

There has been certain stereotype in this type of pornography that is found almost in all porn depictions based on the ethnicity or race. There is certain ethnic porn that has always been a hit among its viewers. Certain stereotypes and ethnic porn is described below to provide more insight about ethnic pornography.

Asian Porn: One of the most famous kinds of ethnic porn is the Asian porn. In most Asian porn there are certain stereotypes. Asian women are frequently portrayed as sexually submissive. Most of the western literature and movies have promoted stereotypes of Asian women as cunning and seductive Dragon Ladies. They are also often stereotyped as innocent school girls in school uniform, Geisha girls, China dolls, war brides, prostitutes etc. The Japanese have also at times promoted the stereotype of Japanese women overseas as “yellow cabs”. This has been mostly the stereotypes present in an Asian porn video.

Black Porn: The black community has always been stereotyped as having high stamina during sexual intercourse. Men have been portrayed to have large genitals and black women have been stereotyped to have large buttocks. This happens often by casting actors that have these qualifications.

Latino and Hispanic Porn: The Latino and Hispanic porn is another kind of ethnic porn that has always been a hit among porn viewers. The porn industry has stereotyped Latino and Hispanic women as feisty. They are often referred as “hot and spicy Latinas” or as “Sexy Senoritas”. They are portrayed as people with a high sex drive and low impulse control. They are shown as maids, illegal immigrants to the United States, or unfaithful wives. Since Latinos and Hispanics can be of any race, cultural characteristics are sometimes portrayed via iconic items related to their culture or certain traditional attire like Hispanic national costumes, sombreros, maracas, or Mexican dresses.

Interracial Porn: Interracial porn has been one of the most sort after porn. It has had a very large audience worldwide. It is basically visual pornography depicting sexual activities involving two or more people of different ethnicities. Mostly interracial porn which is shown is between a black man and white woman or vica versa. Interracial pornographic films with white female and black male performers have a majority audience of white male viewers according to certain studies.

These are some of the most avidly and commonly watched ethnic pornography. It has always had its consistent demand from the viewers who watch pornography.

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