Friday, July 23, 2010

Best Porn Sites & Pornography Market in the U.S

The porn industry has been on the boom since the advent of the television through best porn sites. As it has always kept pace with the changing trends, it has never lost its popularity. As the United States has always been a technically advanced country, pornography has found it to be favorable for its survival and growth. It has always had a niche market in the U.S.

Pornography in the United States is a legal term at the federal level, except the generic terms "hardcore pornography" and "child pornography" have not existed after the Miller v. California case in 1973. Even after this the porn industry has grown rapidly in the US. According to the stats of the year 2003, the worldwide revenue generated by the porn industry has been $57 billion. Out of this amount, $12 billion has been generated from the US. This figure is more than all combined revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises or the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC. This proves that US is a niche market for the porn industry.

The porn industry has had its share of controversies just like any other industry but it has never lost its popularity. Much of the pornography produced in the United States is in the form of movies and the branch acutely competes with the internet. The market is very diverse and ranges from the mainstream heterosexual content to the rarefied S/M, BDSM, interracial sex, ethnic, etc. through enduringly popular gay porn. The country now has more than 40 adult movies studios featuring heterosexual scenes, more than any other country in the world.

More and more models and actors have taken up porn as a profession and many upcoming models and actors have shown their interest in bagging roles in porn movies. Not only has porn had popularity in TV and Internet but it has a very good success ratio with magazines and publications. Adult magazines have been largely put into mainstream by the pioneer Playboy. It was later followed by Penthouse, Hustler, Screw, Playgirl etc who also achieved mainstream success in a large scale. Apart from these websites such as epornreview also emerged which provided porn site reviews to the users. Due to its mainstream success many popular actors and actresses from the Hollywood have also posed for these magazines which as added to popularizing porn and increasing its market share.

Apart from these due to the Japanese influence more porn video games have also flooded the US porn market. It has also found its way into the comic books scene. The adult sections of American comic book stores carry a large number of translations of Japanese hardcore comics, as well as an increasing number of home imitations. So the US porn industry has had incredible success than any other industry and most probably will continue to harvest success in the future in the US and different countries in the world.

Statistics of the Honest Porn Site Reviews in Porn Industry

We all know that porn industry has grown rapidly throughout the years through many honest porn site reviews. With the passage of time the viewership for porn has increased considerably. The porn industry is not a new one; it has been in the market for years and owns a huge chunk of the market share.

In the year 2003, there were 1.3 million pornographic websites and about 260 million web pages. The total revenue from the porn industry in the same year was $57.0 billion worldwide. Out of this $12.0 billion was only of the US market. This was more than that of the combined revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises or the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC. This proves that the porn industry definitely one of the leading money spinners in the world. The counts of adult DVD rentals were around $1 billion in 2005. These stats are only of the US. This shows that United States is a major market for porn. At the same time hotel viewership for adult movies was around 55 percent.

This revenue doubled by 2006, the total revenue in this year was around $97 billion worldwide. Again US accounted for around $13.3 million of the revenue. Unique worldwide users visiting adult web sites monthly had also gone up to 72 million. 25% of total search engine requests are porn-related and 12% of total websites are pornographic. It has been found that 8% of total emails are porn-related. Apart from these, websites like epornreview provides reviews of adult websites started to emerge to give it users access to the best porn sites and helped them to view what they wanted to view. This further enhanced the users to help get access to the best porn sites available. Why the stats have always grown is because it has kept up with the latest trends and had served its users to what they had wanted to see unlike any other sector of the entertainment industry.

As it has been one of the major money spinners in the worldwide economy it has greatly contributed to the growing economy of the world. It has been expanding even further with the passing of time. Though many countries around the world are trying to do away with pornographic industry it is not easy to just abolish it because of its major market share. The porn industry is one of the top 5 industries in the world.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Different Forms of Internet Pornography & Porn Site Reviews

Porn site reviews clears that pornography has a great relationship with technology from the very beginning. In the 90’s when the Internet came into existence pornography took its place there too. But internet pornography went on to become a huge hit. Later websites that gives adult site reviews came into existence. Here a user can find adult sites that are recommended. Studies have derived that the internet porn industry had generated a total of $57.0 billion revenue worldwide in the year of 2003. There are certain formats in which you will find pornography on the internet.

Image Files:
This is one of the basic formats of internet pornography. Mostly the images are in JPEG format and it is also the simplest and common formats for distributing pornography. Images may be either scanned into the computer from photographs or magazines, produced with a digital camera, or a frame/thumbnail from a video.

Video & Streaming Videos:
Another commonly found format for distributing video and streaming videos. Video file formats are generally MPEG, WMV, and QuickTime etc to name a few are used to distribute pornography. Apart from these VCD and DVD image files allow distribution of whole VCD’s and DVD’s. More recently during the year of 2006 more porn websites are providing their users with HD technology for enhanced viewing. Apart from this during the same year websites similar to that of YouTube’s concept were launched. They are known as Porn 2.0, these sites generally use Flash technology to distribute videos that were uploaded by users; these include user-generated content as well as scenes from commercial porn movies and advertising clips from pornographic websites.

This is one of the most common formats that has emerged with the emergence and boom of internet pornography are live webcams. Webcam content can generally be divided into two categories: group shows offered to members of an adult pay-site, and 1-on-1 private sessions usually sold on a pay-per-view basis. Currently the most popular video format for streaming live webcams is Flash Video FLV. The second category comprises of server-based webcam sex shows. Adult models in various countries perform live webcam shows and chat for clients in different countries. These kinds of activities are sometimes organized by companies in the porn industry. They sometimes have certain so called “office space” from where the models can perform their sexual activities. They also provide interface the models to work at home with their own computer with webcam.

Other Formats:
There are certain other formats for distributing porn but these formats are less popular. These include text and audio files. Audio porn and text files are seen only in limited distribution. Audio porn can include recordings of people having sex or reading erotic stories. Combination formats, such as web teases that consist of images and text have also emerged.

Many other formats are still set to emerge in the internet porn market as its popularity is at its peak.

History of Pornography & Adult Site Reviews

Adult site reviews reveals that pornography is almost as old as man himself. Many religions, kingdoms, scholars etc have given great importance to erotica. The history pornography includes paintings, sculpture, photographs, dramatic arts, music and writings that show scenes of a sexual nature throughout time. They have been created by different civilizations both ancient and modern. In the ancient times sexual activity was associated with religion. These proofs of these were paintings, manuscripts and sculptures etc. everything was depicted by these means as there were no technology available. The Greeks and Romans produced much art and decoration of an erotic nature, much of it integrated with their religious beliefs and cultural practices.

But during the ancient times pornography was not an industry. It was only considered as a part of religion or culture. In Asian countries most erotic activity that is in visual form is shown between gods. The then conservative Egyptian society had literature and paintings that depicted sexual activities of their kings and queens. Many free thinkers, painters and sculptors have had a huge role in popularizing pornography.

Porn in Print & Photography:
During the 15th century pornography became more popular taking the medium of print. Porn in print became more popular during that time because of its compact nature and suitability. Nudity and the revival of classical subjects were associated from very early on in history of the print, and many prints of subjects from mythological subjects were clearly in part for erotic material. This was not only limited to certain regions but was spread worldwide. In the 17th century, numerous examples of pornographic or erotic literature began to circulate. These included L'Ecole des Filles, a French work printed in 1655 that is considered to be the beginnings of pornography in France. This kind of literature porn attracted a mass audience.

Porn then took its form through magazines, photographs etc in the 18th century. Magazines like Playboy, Playgirl etc has had worldwide success and has greatly added to the popularizing of the porn industry.

Pornography in Motion Picture:
In the 19th century porn took a big leap as it entered the world of motion picture. William Kennedy Dickson, while working for Thomas Edison, invented the first practical celluloid film which produced moving images by means of a revolving drum of card illustrations, taken from an actual piece of film. The post-war era saw developments that further stimulated the growth of a mass market. Technological developments, particularly the introduction of the 8mm and super-8 film gauges, entrepreneurs emerged to supply this market. In 1972, pornographic films hit their public peak in the United States drawing mass attention and appreciations with the release of certain movies that had a plot. This marked the beginning of huge success that was waiting in the future.

Pornography on the Internet & CD-ROMS:
With the evolution of Internet, pornography has become more popular. It was distributed by means of various sectors of the Internet, primarily via websites, peer-to-peer file sharing, or Usenet newsgroups. It was the invention of the World Wide Web in 1991 as well as the opening of the Internet to the general public around the same time that led to an explosion in online pornography. Pornography is now available in pictures, Hi-definition videos and graphics. The internet pornography industry is a fast growing one and has produced some of the best porn sites over the years. These sites are highly sought after. The Internet became the preferred source of pornography for many people, offering both privacy in viewing and the chance to interact with people. It was also available in the forms of CD’s and DVD’s which also became popular during the times.

Pornography is also set to release in 3D which means that throughout the times it has kept pace with the changing trends and has never lost its popularity making it one of the biggest and fast growing industries in the world.